Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

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Use of the JRF Financial website jrffinancial.org is subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. By completing any required form and clicking the "Submit Button" you the "User" represent that you are 18 years old or older and agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. The term "User" refers to any person who accesses the website.

No Warranties
Due to the fluid and ever changing nature of the information provided by companies that are listed as funding sources, vendors, or credit providers that register with us as having business capital to place or credit to extend, JRF Financial attempts to verify the information and maintain it in an up to date manner. However, JRF Financial neither offers nor provides any warranty to the information provided.

All Copyrights Reserved
JRF Financial and JRFFinancial along with all services and materials contained therein, including "look and feel" attributes, are Copyrighted by JRF Financial. All advertisement materials are Copyright by their respective companies. All rights reserved. This site contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. No duplication, retransmission or storage by any means whatsoever, outside of initial viewing, is authorized without the prior written consent of JRF Financial.

Registered Trade Marks
JRF FinancialR, JRFFinancialTM, are Trade Marks of JRF Financial. All other brand and product names are registered trademarks of their respective companies. All rights reserved.

Capital Search Disclaimer
JRF Financial and JRFFinancial and all services there on, are offered by JRF Financial, which makes no claims about the Users ability to derive capital from the service.

Users understand, acknowledge, and agree that JRF Financial takes no part in the funding decision making process.

Business Credit Building Users are advised not to advance any fee or to enter into any contractual agreement with any Users representing themselves to be Funding Sources prior to consulting an attorney.

Funding Source User Disclaimer
JRF Financial reserves the right to exclude or suspend from JRFFinancial and JRF Financial those Users representing themselves to be Funding Sources for whatever reason deemed necessary to protect its; Interests, Users, Members, and Partners.

Usage Agreement
The User hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless JRF Financial and all of its officers, directors and shareholders from any and all liability that may result from the use of the JRF Financial website. JRF Financial will retain no liability or responsibility in regards to any dealings that may occur between those Users searching for capital and those Users holding themselves out to be Funding Sources. Users are hereby informed that JRF Financial does not perform a background search or due diligence check on any of it's Users. Users are hereby warned to take precautions when entering into any business relationship and instructed to perform their own reasonable due diligence.

Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

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